
    Bienvenue au cours de Français!!

    Chers parents, 

            Welcome to a new and exciting year at Cedar Creek High School. My name is Dwan Yougoné and I will be your student’s French teacher. I would like to introduce myself to you and let you know about the experience your son or daughter will have while in my class.

    • Qui suis-je (Who am I)

     I've been teaching French for 10 years. This is my eleventh year at CCHS. I received my bachelor’s degree in French from Texas State University- San Marcos, completing my senior year abroad at the University of Bordeaux in Bordeaux, France. I have been to France many times and have visited several other European countries since the age of sixteen. I bring many wonderful anecdotes and adventures to the classroom that I hope will encourage your students to experience the marvels of traveling abroad while they are still young.

    • Le cours de Français

                Learning a second language can be a challenging task for many students. By definition, it is a whole new language with new words, rules, and syntax. Constant review, practice, and exploration will ultimately lead to success in this class. I do assign at least two homework tasks per week. The students will be creating their own reference manual in their binders through daily entrance tasks, notes, homework and enrichment activities provided for them. The notebook will be graded for neatness and organization. Their ”classeurs” or binders need to come home each night and be reviewed for at least 15-20 minutes.


    • Mon emploi du temps (My Class Schedule)

                 1ere- French I

                 2ieme- French I

                 3ieme- French I

                 4ieme- French I

                 5ieme- CONFERENCE

                 6ieme- French II

                7ieme- EAGLE TIME

                8ieme- French II

    The best way to reach me is by email: dyougone@bisdtx.orgIf you have a concern about your child's progress, please feel free to contact me. I am excited about teaching your child this year and look forward to getting to know your family. Here's what you and your students can expect this year.

    Les objectifs du cours de français (Course Objectives)

    Les objectifs du cours de français
    Students will learn French through the four types of communication (reading, writing, speaking and listening), learn and compare his/her own culture with the culture of Francophone countries, and connect what was learned in French class with other subjects. 
    We will use the following TEKS for Languages Other Than English: 

     1. Communication. The student communicates in a language other than English using the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

    2. Cultures. The student gains knowledge and understanding of other cultures.

    3. Connections. The student uses the language to make connections with other subject areas and to acquire information.

    4. Comparisons. The student develops insight into the nature of language and culture by comparing the student's own language and culture to another.

    5. Communities. The student participates in communities at home and around the world by using languages other than English.

    The course outline for French II and French II can be found using the following link.

    Course Syllabus





Photo of Dwan Ervin
  • Email: dyougone@bisdtx.org

    Phone: (512)772-3137