• Hello! My name is Erica Nutall. I am honored to teach 1st grade at Cedar Creek Elementary for the 21/22 school year. This is my first year at Cedar Creek Elementary and I am so excited for all that we will do in first grade this year. I have a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from Liberty University. I have previous experience in Kindergarten. 

    This year in first grade we will be developing strong reading and writing skills by taking a look at varieties of text and curriculum. We will also be learning to count and add and subtract to 100+. We will utilize stations in math and reading for opportunities to collaborate with others and engage in hands-on stations. 

    The best way to reach me is by email enutall@bisdtx.org or call the school at 512-772-7600 during my conference time (M-F 10:10-11:00am).

Mrs. Nutall
  • Email: 


    School phone: 


    Conference Time: 
