Welcome to the Counselor's Office
The counselor works with students, parents, teachers and administrators to maximize school success for every student. She presents guidance lessons throughout the year, including BISD’s adopted drug resistance and prevention curriculum, Too Good For Drugs as well as The Child Lures School Program, Think First and Stay Safe which improves self-reliance, raises self-esteem and helps students master personal safety skills, all while reassuring them that most people are kind, safe and committed to their well-being. Students learn how to identify specific lures used in crimes against children and how to utilize prevention strategies.
Individual Support Counselors provide support for students through individual interactions in which they work together on a problem or a topic of interest. Individual counseling meetings offer students a safe environment in which to explore ideas, feelings, and behaviors. Counselors build trusting relationships with students and always consider their actions in terms of the rights, integrity, and welfare of students and families.
Individual counseling generally addresses the specific concerns of targeted students with identified needs. Students can be referred for counseling by parents/guardian, teacher, administrator or staff member. Counselors use individual counseling sessions to evaluate student needs and create plans for support. When appropriate, the Guidance Counselors may recommend that students receive additional support from school staff and/or outside resources.
Small Group Counseling In small groups counseling, the Guidance Counselor works with two or more students together. Group size generally ranges from four to six members. Group counseling may be based on structured learning activities or may be flexible depending on the needs of the group. Group members have the opportunity to learn from each other. They can share ideas, give and receive feedback, increase their awareness, gain new knowledge, practice skills and think about their goals and actions.
Group counseling may be problem-centered, where attention is given to particular concerns or problems. Counseling may also be growth-centered, where general topics are addressed related to personal and academic development. Areas addressed during group counseling may include social skills development, family issues, anger management, or academic and behavioral concerns.
Consultation The primary focus of consultation is to help parents, teachers, and administration to be more effective in working with each other on the behalf of students. This team approach is a key factor in supporting and advocating for our students. During a consultation, the Guidance Counselors work with teachers or parents to identify problems and concerns, develop strategies to address student needs, and create systems to provide academic, emotional and/or behavioral supports for students. Consultation may take place in individual or group conferences, through staff development activities, or parent education classes.
Students may be referred to the counselor by his/her parent(s). Students may also request to see the counselor in the office. CCE faculty and staff may refer students presenting a concern at school. Teachers have counseling referral/permission forms on hand. If regular, continuing counseling is needed, a parent permission form will be sent home. Counseling services provided in a school setting are usually of short duration to facilitate student’s readiness to learn. Students needing additional counseling should seek assistance outside of the school.
Resources for Parents
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
Child Lures Prevention Information
Bastrop ISD is taking an active initiative against bullying. As a district, we have implemented the Bully-Proofing Your School Curriculum. For more information, regarding bullying please visit the government site: Stop Bullying and also read more about our District Policies Against Bullying.